Amazon Textract Billing


How do Textract service billed, is that per Job or per document, I'm confused if i will tag the job but it doesn't have ARN, or just tag the document we are analyzing and it will be billed based on the tag on the document?

已提問 5 個月前檢視次數 380 次
1 個回答


This page will give you all details:

All the examples on this page will allow you to understand how it works with the combination of pages and API calls.



profile pictureAWS
已回答 5 個月前
  • Thanks Didier, Now i understand that this is per page basis. How about i have two applications that uses the detect text each is in different environment, the problem is i want to split the bill durin query in cost explorer using tags how do i implement that? am i gonna tag the textract job or simple the document im trying to scan?

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