Lambda support for Java 17 LTS


I am in the process of upgrading the java version from Java 8 to latest Java LTS version (Java 17) and the architecture from x86_64 to ARM64 for some of my lambda functions. I am interested to know the timeline of the Amazon Corretto 17 support in Lambda.

已提問 3 年前檢視次數 1.1万 次
4 個答案

The Java 17 runtime for AWS Lambda was released yesterday, April 27th - official release notes here:

Also, a Java migration guide was released on Serverlessland which wasn't in the question but it's useful for anyone that's migrating an existing Java app to Lambda -

已回答 2 年前

No official timeline. ( there is an Issue opened on the AWS repo ) But as you probably already know you can create your own container image in the Amazon ECR container registry and run your lambda function.

Hope it helps. Alex

已回答 3 年前

Hello AWS-User-samaram,

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已回答 3 年前

I had the same need you did, so I created unofficial community AWS Lambda base images for Java 17, 18, and now 19 using the official amazoncorretto/amazoncorretto image. They're available in the ECR Public Gallery and DockerHub, and are totally free to use.

Using the community base image is exactly like using the officially-supported base images. For example, the following is the Dockerfile from an example Java 17 lambda function:


COPY target/hello-lambda.jar "${LAMBDA_TASK_ROOT}/lib/"

CMD [ "com.sigpwned.lambda.hello.HelloLambda::handleRequest" ]

Of course, these are not "official" AWS images, and as soon as official AWS images are released you should use those instead. In the meantime, these are a good option. I'm using them in production for my own projects, and they work a treat.

The source code for the base images is on GitHub at aleph0io/aws-lambda-java-base-images, and there is a writeup of the base image on my blog as well, for the curious.

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已回答 2 年前

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