When I use "import cfnresponse" in a Python 3.11 Lambda function, this gives the error:
[ERROR] Runtime.ImportModuleError: Unable to import module 'index': No module named 'cfnresponse'
It looks like the same issue that was present in Python 3.9 (see here: https://repost.aws/questions/QUtqrQ6_3zSxmKo3QtFW_4Aw/cfnresponse-package-is-missing-in-new-python-3-9-runtime ). AWS fixed this issue for Python 3.9, is it possible to fix it for Python 3.11 as well? Or should we rewrite the code to use aws package to add the cfnresponse package to the Lambda function?
Thx for your answer,
Did it ever end up working for you? @Frederique