ec2 dashboard api error


I can't use the services from EC2 dashboard for instances key pairs, volumes, security groups etc. They all have API errors. Region: Stockholm, London, Frankfurt, Ireland etc. I haven't tried them all, but you see the pattern here. My main region is Stockholm. The dashboard worked fine two days ago.

All ideas and suggestions are welcome.


已提問 1 年前檢視次數 267 次
3 個答案

Looks like you don't have access rights. Are you logged in as an IAM user? If so ... Did someone change the access rights on your your account or change a role that you had access to?

profile pictureAWS
已回答 1 年前

I would also check to see if someone added an MFA policy to your User or group as well. If an MFA policy has been enabled, you will need to add your mfa device, sync it, then sign out and back in again.

已回答 1 年前

I might have found something. Some joker has set an IAM permission boundary for me, to ReadOnly. that was the problem. Otherwise, the TFA policy has not changed and I still have AdministratorAccess. But the permission boundary should superseeds that.

Thanks guys for pointing me in the right direction.

已回答 1 年前

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