Error importing AWS::ApiGateway::UsagePlanKey



I've been trying to import an AWS::ApiGateway::UsagePlanKey resource in to an existing stack and wasn't sure of the correct format of the id. I've now discovered that the correct format is "usagePlanId:apiKeyId" and the process is working, but the error message I received up until this point was very unhelpful:

Screen shot of error

I'm guessing the value is split on the : character and therefore if your input doesn't have one it comes up with the error Index: 1, Size: 1. Can I suggest that you capture this error and make it more user friendly? In the interim hopefully others might find this post to help them with the above issue.



2 個答案

I tested the above using similar scenario on my end and replicated the same error. Your investigation is correct that when we pass an incorrect identifier (without the : ) for the resource AWS::ApiGateway::UsagePlanKey while importing it, we are getting the below error which is not very clear.

There was an error creating this changeset
Index: 1, Size: 1

Using a correct identifier (for eg - 123a4bcde5:a1bfcd) resolved the issue and the resource can be imported successfully.

I would like to take advantage of this to thank you for bringing it to our notice. As we strive to improve our products, your feedback is greatly appreciated. I also understand that this might have caused inconvenience to your work-flow, and sincerely extend my apology for the same

However, I would like to add that I have passed on this feedback to the internal CFN team so that they can check if the error messaging can be improved here and add it to their roadmap.

已回答 1 年前

For anyone else ending up in this thread because they have the above, or a similar vague error message: I was trying to import an existing UsagePlanKey resource in CloudFormation and it turned out that my problem was that I did not know that the ID of a UsagePlanKey is actually a combination of Key ID and the Usage Plan ID, for instance "123abcdef:abc123"

已回答 2 個月前

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