Debugging locally in VS Code on Windows 11


I have been working through deploying lambda functions using the SAM CLI. Everything works on my end for local testing.

"sam local invoke -e src/events/event.json"

Works fine. I use "sam build" as part of my testing when I update my file.

When I try to run the debugger with breakpoints, things break. The specific error is:

Error: PythonPipBuilder:ResolveDependencies - {docx2txt==0.8(sdist)}

Here is my setup: Python version 3.10.2 pip version 23.2.1

I have already run pip install docx2txt==0.8, and validated (in my environment) using pip list that I am on v=0.8.

Here is my requirements.txt: requests==2.26.0 urllib3==1.26.7 openai==0.28.1 pypdf docx2txt==0.8

interpreter being used is: Python 3.10.2 ('btivy' it my venv)

(btivy) (Sat 10/07/2023 11:13:23.77)C$python --version Python 3.10.2

I added the following environment variable to ensure that the SAM CLI was using the same pyton env.

(btivy) (Sat 10/07/2023 11:15:29.01)C$setx AWS_SAM_CLI_INTERPRETER "C:\Users\watso\dev\bigtechivy-backend\btivy\Scripts\python.exe"

SUCCESS: Specified value was saved.

But when I try to run via the debugger:

DEBUG (from the Output tab in VS Code) 2023-10-07 11:07:28 [INFO]: log level: info 2023-10-07 11:07:28 [INFO]: endpoints: retrieving AWS endpoints data 2023-10-07 11:07:28 [INFO]: OS: Windows_NT x64 10.0.22621 2023-10-07 11:07:28 [INFO]: Visual Studio Code extension host: 1.82.3 2023-10-07 11:07:28 [INFO]: AWS Toolkit: 1.93.0 2023-10-07 11:07:28 [INFO]: node: 18.15.0 2023-10-07 11:07:28 [INFO]: electron: 25.8.1 2023-10-07 11:07:28 [WARN]: AwsContext: no default region in credentials profile, falling back to us-east-1: 2023-10-07 11:12:28 [INFO]: telemetry: sent batch (size=14) 2023-10-07 11:15:56 [INFO]: SAM CLI location (version: 1.98.0): C:\Program Files\Amazon\AWSSAMCLI\bin\sam.cmd 2023-10-07 11:15:59 [INFO]: Preparing to debug locally: Lambda "app.lambda_handler" 2023-10-07 11:15:59 [INFO]: Building SAM application... 2023-10-07 11:16:00 [INFO]: SAM CLI not configured, using SAM found at: 'C:\Program Files\Amazon\AWSSAMCLI\bin\sam.cmd' 2023-10-07 11:16:00 [INFO]: Command: (not started) [C:\Program Files\Amazon\AWSSAMCLI\bin\sam.cmd build --build-dir C:\Users\watso\AppData\Local\Temp\aws-toolkit-vscode\vsctkTEw1Or\output --template C:/Users/watso/dev/bigtechivy-backend/lambdas/isJobDescriptionBigTechIvy/template.yaml --manifest C:\Users\watso\AppData\Local\Temp\aws-toolkit-vscode\vsctkTEw1Or\debug-requirements.txt] 2023-10-07 11:16:33 [ERROR]: SAM CLI failed (exitcode: 1, expected 0): stdout: Build Failed stderr: Starting Build use cache Manifest file is changed (new hash: 5be9fccf6db188a261ebc7b73a213ada) or dependency folder (.aws-sam\deps\8909f503-5396-4719-9c8f-384955310688) is missing for (isJobDescriptionBigTechIvy), downloading dependencies and copying/building source Building codeuri: C:\Users\watso\dev\bigtechivy-backend\lambdas\isJobDescriptionBigTechIvy\src runtime: python3.10 metadata: {} architecture: x86_64 functions: isJobDescriptionBigTechIvy Running PythonPipBuilder:CleanUp Running PythonPipBuilder:ResolveDependencies Error: PythonPipBuilder:ResolveDependencies - {docx2txt==0.8(sdist)}

2023-10-07 11:16:33 [ERROR]: SamLaunchRequestError: SAM build failed: PythonPipBuilder:ResolveDependencies - {docx2txt==0.8(sdist)} [BuildFailure]

Things I have tried

  • Deleting the .aws-sam folder and doing a complete rebuild - DID NOT SOLVE
  • Creating an entirely new venv and starting over - DID NOT SOLVE
  • Using a different version of the docx2txt library (v=0.7) - DID NOT SOLVE

At this point I am at a loss for what I can do to all me to step through my code in the debugger.

Like I said, I can run and test locally using "sam local invoke", but it does not work with breakpoints.