AWS OpenSearch Serverless Scroll API 404 error


Does OpenSearch Serverless support scroll api?

According to this, Serverless service has the same api, so the scroll api should also be supported. However, I created a collection, successfully made a request to get the scroll id, then I pass it to the scroll api, but I get a 404 Enter image description here Enter image description here

Artur B
已提問 1 年前檢視次數 813 次
2 個答案

Hello, OpenSearch Serverless does not currently support the scroll API. For the list of Supported OpenSearch API operations you can refer the following link - [+] Supported OpenSearch API operations and permissions -

已回答 9 個月前

Have you tried performing the GET _search/scroll/<scroll-id>? Adding the scroll ID on the URL like this:

profile picture
已回答 1 年前
  • Yes, I have, same result. All requests to _search/scroll return 404 Tried to use Python SDK (and opensearch-py library) for this. It returns 404 too.

    Now I'm wondering if managed OS supports Scroll API. We are moving from ES_7.7, so looks like we have to use cursor pagination (search_after) instead.

    Updated: Just checked managed OS. Scroll API works as expected. So this is OS Serverless only issue

  • Are there any updates on this? I would like to use the scroll API on serverless and still getting a 404 error.

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