SSL to my website


Am new to AWS SSL issues, so my website was previously using Let's Encrypt SSL now i want to use ACM of which i got the Certificate and i Linked it through the TargetGroup to my instance. but the website is not secured.

I checked the steps again, its indicate active, In use, Successful meaning i did it rightly. but my website is not yet secured. please what can i do next?

I also notice that in the Target Group, the registered target is not "Unhealthy" could this have been the issues. please i need your help.

thanks in advance.

  • Target Group, the registered target is not "Unhealthy"

    This is a double-negative, "the target is not unhealthy is the same as "the target is healthy", which is a good thing. Is this what you meant to write?

1 Answer


Is the ACM certificate set appropriately for the ALB listener?
Also, is the ACM domain and the domain used to access ALB the same?
I think the steps in the following document will be helpful for setting up ALB.

I also notice that in the Target Group, the registered target is not "Unhealthy" could this have been the issues. please i need your help.

If the target EC2 is "healthy", there should be no problem.

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answered a month ago
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reviewed a month ago

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