Trouble including property variables in my codepipeline cloudformation template


I keep having this error CREATE_FAILED AWS::CodePipeline::Pipeline CodePipelineTest Encountered unsupported property Value deploying this template

CodePipelineTest: Type: AWS::CodePipeline::Pipeline Properties: Name: Ref: PipelineName1 Variables: - Name: Version Value: test And also at the build stage of the same template i have been getting error **The following pipeline execution variables are referencing a namespace that does not exist ** [{"name":"VERSION","value":"#{variables.version}","type":"PLAINTEXT"}]

Any help will be appreciated

asked 17 days ago130 views
1 Answer


You will probably need to change the template as below.
The template you are using defines something called "Ref:", which is incorrect.
I think the correct name is "!Ref".
By setting it to "!Ref", you can pass the "PipelineName1" parameter to "Name".

  Type: AWS::CodePipeline::Pipeline 
    Name: !Ref PipelineName1 # <-- edit
      - Name: Version 
        Value: test
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answered 16 days ago
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reviewed 16 days ago

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