Root User Login


I am writing to seek your assistance with a matter concerning my AWS account, with the Account ID 400811962670. Regrettably, I have forgotten the login credentials for the root account associated with this AWS account. As a result, I am unable to access the account and manage its settings, which is causing significant inconvenience for me and my team. I kindly request your guidance and support in resetting the root login credentials for my AWS account. I understand that account security is of utmost importance, and I am prepared to provide any necessary verification or identification information to confirm my ownership of the account. Please let me know which specific details or documents you require for this purpose, and I will promptly provide them. I apologize for any inconvenience this may cause, and I greatly appreciate your prompt attention and assistance in resolving this matter. Please reply to this email or contact me at the phone number associated with my AWS account (if applicable) to discuss further steps or provide any additional information. Thank you for your attention to this matter, and I look forward to your swift response.

  • Do you have access to account through another user or IAM role, based on that I can surely provide you few options here.

  • You need to open a support case for this issue.

2 Answers

Hello. For resetting AWS accounts credentials, here it is some documentation:

answered a year ago
  • but the thing is, root user email is forgotten

  • @Abhishek_At_AWS yes I can login from IAM role user.

  • Perfect, I just answered and provided you an article, that's definitely going to help you out if account was provisioned through control tower otherwise, support would help you out here. I gave you the template for raising the request.


Do you have access to account through another user or IAM role, based on that I can surely provide you few options here.

If you have access to account through another IAM role or user, I'd suggest you to follow this re:Post Knowledge Article if account was created through account factory/control tower.

I'm sure, you'd have already gone through these documents, but mentioning here for reference:

Troubleshoot Forgot Password

Troubleshoot Lost Email

Last resort is Billing and Account Support

PS: Please remove account id from your question.

profile pictureAWS
answered a year ago
profile picture
reviewed a year ago
  • Since you just mentioned that you can login to account through another user/role, you can log a case from account as well for further assistance by following the instructions from here. Make sure, you choose the category as Account and billing

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