I can not sign into my AWS console


I can not log into my AWS console AWS keeps sending a verification code to an old number I no longer have access to. What can I do?

  • Just checking base with you about the answer provided.

    Let me know if you have any issues with this, or if it helps you then please accept my answer after you've tried it out - it would be much appreciated! Good luck :)

asked a year ago293 views
2 Answers
profile pictureAWS
answered a year ago
profile pictureAWS
reviewed a year ago

One is this a personal account? If so you could work to attain root privileges.


Once you have that you have "root domain" on the account in question.

However just like those that messaged above. It is FAR better to sign in to submit.

It's much faster to get support via the console, please click the button below to sign in and submit your request Sign in to submit your billing and account support request

Let me know if you have any issues with this, or if it helps you then please accept my answer after you've tried it out - it would be much appreciated! Good luck :)

profile picture
answered a year ago

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