Gmail Data Source sync failed -> No cloudwatch logs (on Amazon Q & Amazon Kendra)


I have set up an Amazon Q application to evaluate Amazon Q on the content of a gmail account by following the documentation. When trying to sync the data source, I have a "Sync Failed" error message after a couple of minutes. There is a "View in CloudWatch" link in the details column on the line corresponding to the failed sync attempt, but I have an error when running the associated query in cloudwatch:

ResourceNotFoundException: Log group '/aws/qbusiness/fe3f4ee8-9b85-4fb5-8fac-b2486fcc650c' does not exist for account ID '342508195621'

I am stuck since I can not understand what happened, being blind without any logs to give me a hint.

Can you help ?


gefragt vor 4 Monaten284 Aufrufe
3 Antworten

Unless the log group gets randomly auto-generated each time, try creating CloudWatch log group /aws/qbusiness/fe3f4ee8-9b85-4fb5-8fac-b2486fcc650c in account 342508195621, then rerun.

To create a log group

  1. In the AWS Console, search for CloudWatch service, then open the CloudWatch console
  2. In the navigation pane, choose Log groups.
  3. Choose Actions, and then choose Create log group.
  4. Enter the name for the log group, and then choose Create log group.

If this helps solve your problem, please choose this as the Accepted Answer so others on re:Post may benefit - thank you!

profile pictureAWS
beantwortet vor 4 Monaten
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überprüft vor 2 Monaten
  • Thanks for your answer Eric.

    In fact, I did try this trick, and it won't do the job. I do not have the missing cloud watch log group error anymore, but I do not have any log entry and no logstream gets populated upon the sync error, keeping me blind on what went wrong.


Hi, Birdie_007

Try upgrading the Gmail app if need be and clearing cache.

profile pictureAWS
beantwortet vor 4 Monaten
  • Hi Eric, I am a bit lost with your answer: Which gmail app are you refering to ? I do not have a choice on the version of the gmail connector that I select in kendra or q...


I investigated further and tried to do the same in kendra using a gmail connector to populate a kendra index. And the sympotms are the same: sync error and, again, the log group which doesn't exist. When creating it manually, it doesn't get populated.

It seems a gmail connector issue more than an Amazon Q issue by itself.

Thanks for any hint to help me understand what is wrong with my config or the connector.

beantwortet vor 4 Monaten

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