Unable to upload to S3 bucket



I have not been able to upload a file to an S3 bucket for a file of around 120GB. It used to work, but not anymore. Whenever I try, the transfer stops in the middle, very close to the end, with the following error:

upload failed: ../home/cebim/backup_local/comamigo_20240504.sql to s3://clinisul/comamigo_20240504.sql Could not connect to the endpoint URL: "https://clinisul.s3.sa-east-1.amazonaws.com/comamigo_20240504.sql?uploadId=SVTYNY3Ugrkj58gKIdDmzHA.FYRDzeNmT7Wv2O5l8HKXAB2cDFsUA5BZw_F4aQPtqnoHHlD.KBX7GeJpQuFLDG_yywxoewWIf_P96fexyW3NRs5aonmn0SZm5onZ5hqe&partNumber=6261"

I've already tried setting the "max_concurrent_requests" variable to 1, without success. I've already tried specifying the region in the command, but that didn't work either. I imagined that the Internet provider was blocking the connection due to the default being 10 simultaneous requests, but it didn't solve the problem. I have another client that I send a 35GB file that works, but the Internet provider is other. Can anyone shed some light on this?


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  • I added the variables suggested in the mentioned post:

    max_attempts = 20 retry_mode = standard

    With this I was able to upload it manually once. We will see if the problem will actually be resolved as the script runs over the days.



verify the parameters multipart_threshold, multipart_chunksize try to bump values and see. https://docs.aws.amazon.com/cli/latest/topic/s3-config.html use_accelerate_endpoint would help too.

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