How to enable Kinesis Firehose new line delimiter via CloudFormation?


There is a relatively new feature for Firehose to append new line at the end of records before saving them to S3:

by enabling "new line delimiter" option. I can see this option in the console, but I cannot see anything mentioned about it in the KinesisFirehose CF documentations:

Is it possible to enable the "new line delimiter" option via CloudFormation? If yes, then how?

gefragt vor 2 Monaten392 Aufrufe
1 Antwort
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The new line delimiter configuration is a type under the Processing Configuration within your Cloud Formation Template for your S3 Destination.

For JSON this will look like:

{ "Type": "AppendDelimiterToRecord", "Parameters": [ { "ParameterName": "Delimiter", "ParameterValue": "\n" } ]

For the YAML this will look like:

  • Type: AppendDelimiterToRecord Parameters: - ParameterName: Delimiter ParameterValue: "\n"

For a more detailed example of how this should look from a higher level within your template, please refer to the documentation [1] below:

[1] AWS::KinesisFirehose::DeliveryStream - Specify an Amazon S3 Destination for the Delivery Stream -

For a list of all Processor type configurations, please refer to the documentation [2] below:


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