Unable to activate AWS Genomics CLI


I would like to use the AWS Genomics CLI, but have failed to activate it both locally and on an EC2 instance. I do not have permissions to alter my IAM roles, and my IT team has tried to setup my account to work based on the info provided in the Setup documentation. However, I have had no luck. I have tried with both existing VPC and S3 bucket, as well as without. Any help is appreciated. I would like to use AWS's resources! I am pasting one error below.

agc account activate

2022-06-17T18:19:28+02:00 𝒊  Activating AGC with bucket '' and VPC ''

Bootstrapping CDK... [--o-] 51s                                                                                                           2022-06-17T18:20:21+02:00 ✘   ⏳  Bootstrapping environment aws://272554863871/us-east-2...

2022-06-17T18:20:21+02:00 ✘  Using default execution policy of 'arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AdministratorAccess'. Pass '--cloudformation-execution-policies' to customize.

2022-06-17T18:20:21+02:00 ✘  Agc-CDKToolkit: creating CloudFormation changeset...

2022-06-17T18:20:21+02:00 ✘  Agc-CDKToolkit |  0/12 | 6:19:43 PM | REVIEW_IN_PROGRESS   | AWS::CloudFormation::Stack | Agc-CDKToolkit User Initiated

2022-06-17T18:20:21+02:00 ✘  Agc-CDKToolkit |  0/12 | 6:19:50 PM | CREATE_IN_PROGRESS   | AWS::CloudFormation::Stack | Agc-CDKToolkit User Initiated

2022-06-17T18:20:21+02:00 ✘  Agc-CDKToolkit |  0/12 | 6:19:55 PM | CREATE_IN_PROGRESS   | AWS::ECR::Repository  | ContainerAssetsRepository 

2022-06-17T18:20:21+02:00 ✘  Agc-CDKToolkit |  0/12 | 6:19:55 PM | CREATE_IN_PROGRESS   | AWS::IAM::Role        | FilePublishingRole 

2022-06-17T18:20:21+02:00 ✘  Agc-CDKToolkit |  0/12 | 6:19:55 PM | CREATE_IN_PROGRESS   | AWS::SSM::Parameter   | CdkBootstrapVersion 

2022-06-17T18:20:21+02:00 ✘  Agc-CDKToolkit |  0/12 | 6:19:55 PM | CREATE_IN_PROGRESS   | AWS::IAM::Role        | CloudFormationExecutionRole 

2022-06-17T18:20:21+02:00 ✘  Agc-CDKToolkit |  0/12 | 6:19:55 PM | CREATE_IN_PROGRESS   | AWS::IAM::Role        | LookupRole 

2022-06-17T18:20:21+02:00 ✘  Agc-CDKToolkit |  0/12 | 6:19:55 PM | CREATE_IN_PROGRESS   | AWS::S3::Bucket       | StagingBucket 

2022-06-17T18:20:21+02:00 ✘  Agc-CDKToolkit |  0/12 | 6:19:55 PM | CREATE_IN_PROGRESS   | AWS::IAM::Role        | ImagePublishingRole 

2022-06-17T18:20:21+02:00 ✘  Agc-CDKToolkit |  0/12 | 6:19:55 PM | CREATE_IN_PROGRESS   | AWS::IAM::Role        | FilePublishingRole Resource creation Initiated

2022-06-17T18:20:21+02:00 ✘  Agc-CDKToolkit |  0/12 | 6:19:55 PM | CREATE_IN_PROGRESS   | AWS::IAM::Role        | LookupRole Resource creation Initiated

2022-06-17T18:20:21+02:00 ✘  Agc-CDKToolkit |  0/12 | 6:19:56 PM | CREATE_IN_PROGRESS   | AWS::IAM::Role        | CloudFormationExecutionRole Resource creation Initiated

2022-06-17T18:20:21+02:00 ✘  Agc-CDKToolkit |  0/12 | 6:19:56 PM | CREATE_FAILED        | AWS::S3::Bucket       | StagingBucket cdk-agc-assets-272554863871-us-east-2 already exists

2022-06-17T18:20:21+02:00 ✘  Agc-CDKToolkit |  0/12 | 6:19:56 PM | CREATE_FAILED        | AWS::IAM::Role        | FilePublishingRole Resource creation cancelled

2022-06-17T18:20:21+02:00 ✘  Agc-CDKToolkit |  0/12 | 6:19:56 PM | CREATE_FAILED        | AWS::IAM::Role        | ImagePublishingRole Resource creation cancelled

2022-06-17T18:20:21+02:00 ✘  Agc-CDKToolkit |  0/12 | 6:19:56 PM | CREATE_FAILED        | AWS::IAM::Role        | LookupRole Resource creation cancelled

2022-06-17T18:20:21+02:00 ✘  Agc-CDKToolkit |  0/12 | 6:19:56 PM | CREATE_FAILED        | AWS::IAM::Role        | CloudFormationExecutionRole Resource creation cancelled

2022-06-17T18:20:21+02:00 ✘  Agc-CDKToolkit |  0/12 | 6:19:56 PM | CREATE_FAILED        | AWS::SSM::Parameter   | CdkBootstrapVersion Resource creation cancelled

2022-06-17T18:20:21+02:00 ✘  Agc-CDKToolkit |  0/12 | 6:19:57 PM | CREATE_FAILED        | AWS::ECR::Repository  | ContainerAssetsRepository Resource creation cancelled

2022-06-17T18:20:21+02:00 ✘  Agc-CDKToolkit |  0/12 | 6:19:57 PM | ROLLBACK_IN_PROGRESS | AWS::CloudFormation::Stack | Agc-CDKToolkit The following resource(s) failed to create: [ImagePublishingRole, FilePublishingRole, CdkBootstrapVersion, LookupRole, StagingBucket, CloudFormationExecutionRole, ContainerAssetsRepository]. Rollback requested by user.

2022-06-17T18:20:21+02:00 ✘  Agc-CDKToolkit |  0/12 | 6:20:10 PM | DELETE_IN_PROGRESS   | AWS::IAM::Role        | CloudFormationExecutionRole 

2022-06-17T18:20:21+02:00 ✘  Agc-CDKToolkit |  0/12 | 6:20:10 PM | DELETE_IN_PROGRESS   | AWS::SSM::Parameter   | CdkBootstrapVersion 

2022-06-17T18:20:21+02:00 ✘  Agc-CDKToolkit |  0/12 | 6:20:10 PM | DELETE_IN_PROGRESS   | AWS::IAM::Role        | FilePublishingRole 

2022-06-17T18:20:21+02:00 ✘  Agc-CDKToolkit |  0/12 | 6:20:10 PM | DELETE_SKIPPED       | AWS::S3::Bucket       | StagingBucket 

2022-06-17T18:20:21+02:00 ✘  Agc-CDKToolkit |  0/12 | 6:20:10 PM | DELETE_IN_PROGRESS   | AWS::ECR::Repository  | ContainerAssetsRepository 

2022-06-17T18:20:21+02:00 ✘  Agc-CDKToolkit |  0/12 | 6:20:10 PM | DELETE_IN_PROGRESS   | AWS::IAM::Role        | LookupRole 

2022-06-17T18:20:21+02:00 ✘  Agc-CDKToolkit |  1/12 | 6:20:10 PM | DELETE_COMPLETE      | AWS::IAM::Role        | ImagePublishingRole 

2022-06-17T18:20:21+02:00 ✘  Agc-CDKToolkit |  2/12 | 6:20:11 PM | DELETE_COMPLETE      | AWS::SSM::Parameter   | CdkBootstrapVersion 

2022-06-17T18:20:21+02:00 ✘  Agc-CDKToolkit |  3/12 | 6:20:11 PM | DELETE_COMPLETE      | AWS::IAM::Role        | FilePublishingRole 

2022-06-17T18:20:21+02:00 ✘  Agc-CDKToolkit |  4/12 | 6:20:11 PM | DELETE_COMPLETE      | AWS::ECR::Repository  | ContainerAssetsRepository 

2022-06-17T18:20:21+02:00 ✘  Agc-CDKToolkit |  5/12 | 6:20:11 PM | DELETE_COMPLETE      | AWS::IAM::Role        | CloudFormationExecutionRole 

2022-06-17T18:20:21+02:00 ✘  Agc-CDKToolkit |  6/12 | 6:20:12 PM | DELETE_COMPLETE      | AWS::IAM::Role        | LookupRole 

2022-06-17T18:20:21+02:00 ✘  Agc-CDKToolkit |  7/12 | 6:20:13 PM | ROLLBACK_COMPLETE    | AWS::CloudFormation::Stack | Agc-CDKToolkit 

2022-06-17T18:20:21+02:00 ✘  

2022-06-17T18:20:21+02:00 ✘  Failed resources:

2022-06-17T18:20:21+02:00 ✘  Agc-CDKToolkit | 6:19:56 PM | CREATE_FAILED        | AWS::S3::Bucket       | StagingBucket cdk-agc-assets-272554863871-us-east-2 already exists

2022-06-17T18:20:21+02:00 ✘   ❌  Environment aws://272554863871/us-east-2 failed bootstrapping: Error: The stack named Agc-CDKToolkit failed creation, it may need to be manually deleted from the AWS console: ROLLBACK_COMPLETE

2022-06-17T18:20:21+02:00 ✘      at waitForStackDeploy (/Users/Moneill/.agc/cdk/node_modules/aws-cdk/lib/api/util/cloudformation.ts:311:11)

2022-06-17T18:20:21+02:00 ✘      at processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:96:5)

2022-06-17T18:20:21+02:00 ✘      at prepareAndExecuteChangeSet (/Users/Moneill/.agc/cdk/node_modules/aws-cdk/lib/api/deploy-stack.ts:376:26)

2022-06-17T18:20:21+02:00 ✘      at /Users/Moneill/.agc/cdk/node_modules/aws-cdk/lib/cdk-toolkit.ts:575:24

2022-06-17T18:20:21+02:00 ✘      at async Promise.all (index 0)

2022-06-17T18:20:21+02:00 ✘      at CdkToolkit.bootstrap (/Users/Moneill/.agc/cdk/node_modules/aws-cdk/lib/cdk-toolkit.ts:572:5)

2022-06-17T18:20:21+02:00 ✘      at initCommandLine (/Users/Moneill/.agc/cdk/node_modules/aws-cdk/lib/cli.ts:342:12)

2022-06-17T18:20:21+02:00 ✘  

2022-06-17T18:20:21+02:00 ✘  The stack named Agc-CDKToolkit failed creation, it may need to be manually deleted from the AWS console: ROLLBACK_COMPLETE

2022-06-17T18:20:21+02:00 ✘   error="exit status 1"

Error: an error occurred invoking 'account activate'

with variables: {bucketName: vpcId: publicSubnets:false customTags:map[] subnets:[] amiId:}

caused by: exit status 1
1 Antwort

It seems that the activation of AWS Genomics CLI is encountering an issue during the bootstrap process, specifically related to the creation of resources like IAM roles and S3 buckets. The error message indicates that the creation of the CloudFormation stack named Agc-CDKToolkit failed due to a resource already existing (StagingBucket cdk-agc-assets-272554863871-us-east-2 already exists).

Here are some steps you can take to troubleshoot and resolve the issue:

Verify if the S3 bucket cdk-agc-assets-272554863871-us-east-2 already exists in your AWS account. If it does, ensure that it is not being used by any other process or application. If it's safe to delete, you can manually delete it from the AWS Management Console or using the AWS CLI.

After ensuring that there are no conflicting resources, retry the activation process by running agc account activate again. If the issue persists, review the CLI documentation or contact AWS support for further assistance.

Since you mentioned that you don't have permissions to alter IAM roles, ensure that the IAM role associated with your AWS credentials has the necessary permissions to create resources like IAM roles, S3 buckets, and CloudFormation stacks. You may need to work with your IT team to adjust the IAM permissions if necessary. Double-check the configuration settings provided to the AWS Genomics CLI, such as the VPC ID and S3 bucket name. Ensure that they are correctly specified and that there are no typos or errors in the configuration.

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