Does Redshift Serverless Support Load from Remote Host via SSH?


Redshift Provisioned has this capability as documented here: I can't find a way to make that Step 1 work with serverless. I need to add a public key to my host in order to make this work. Where do I get the key with serverless? Thanks!

gefragt vor 3 Monaten128 Aufrufe
2 Antworten

To retrieve the cluster public key and cluster node IP addresses for your cluster using the Amazon Redshift CLI, run the describe-clusters command

aws redshift describe-clusters --cluster-identifier <cluster-identifier> 

And then you securely store the SSH public key in AWS KMS. This ensures that the key is encrypted at rest and can only be accessed by authorized entities. Then implement AWS Lambda functions to handle authentication tasks, retrieving the public key from KMS when needed.

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beantwortet vor 3 Monaten
  • But "describe-clusters" and "cluster-identifier" applies to the provisioned redshift, not serverless? The question is about serverless. There are no "cluster" - but "namespaces" and "workgroups". I spent a lot of time looking for the key for those things. Could not find it.


Hello Poliakov.

According to the documentation, you can connect to Redshift Serverless via JDBC and DATA API (CLI commands). Maybe you can adapt what you're doing to use the Data API. Hope this helps.

RS Connection Types: Connecting to Amazon Redshift Serverless

Data API: getting-started-with-amazon-redshift-data-api

Hope this helps.

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beantwortet vor 3 Monaten

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