Free Bedrock Lab


Is there a way to practice Bedrock for free?

2 Respuestas


Currently, I don't think Amazon Bedrock has a free tier.

If you want to get started with generative AI, I think it would be a good idea to try using PartyRock.

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respondido hace 4 meses
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revisado hace 4 meses
  • partyrock is great, but it does not give me the option to select the model that I want to play with, as well as the rest of the features that come with Bedrock.

Respuesta aceptada

Hi Mina, PartyRock does give you the ability to select model you want to play and also you can set the parameters using advanced settings. Once you create an application then if you click on the edit you will find option to select the model and adjust the parameters.

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respondido hace 3 meses
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revisado hace 3 meses

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