I can't input the address of "IPv4 VPC CIDR block" manually


I am at lesson "Demonstration: Relaunching the Employee Directory Application in Amazon EC2" from "AWS Technical Essentials" tutorial:


I create the VPC with no problems, then when I want to create a subnet, I reach this section:

IPv4 VPC CIDR blockInfo Choose the IPv4 VPC CIDR block to create a subnet in.

But I can't input an address like the tutorial; instead of typing I must choose from a list. How can I create my VPC like the tutorial ?


preguntada hace 6 meses249 visualizaciones
1 Respuesta


I think the UI used in the Skill Builder video is probably outdated.
The CIDR input in the video is the CIDR set for the subnet, not the VPC CIDR.
In other words, you can do the same thing by entering "IPv4 subnet CIDR block" as shown in the image below.

"IPv4 VPC CIDR block" is an item for selecting the CIDR used by the VPC, so if there is only one CIDR in the VPC, there is no need to worry about this item.

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respondido hace 6 meses

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