Mac EC2 instance stuck in "shutting-down" state


I can't release dedicated host as EC2 instance stuck in "shutting down" state upon Terminate action.

Instance ID: i-08a1217064ac68d2d

preguntada hace 2 años395 visualizaciones
2 Respuestas


As per AWS documentation:

You are not billed for any instance usage while an instance is not in the running state. In other words, when you terminate an instance, you stop incurring charges for that instance as soon as its state changes to shutting-down.

Delayed instance termination If your instance remains in the shutting-down state longer than a few minutes, it might be delayed due to shutdown scripts being run by the instance. Another possible cause is a problem with the underlying host computer. If your instance remains in the shutting-down state for several hours, Amazon EC2 treats it as a stuck instance and forcibly terminates it.

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respondido hace 2 años

Just got an email saying:

EC2 has detected degradation of the underlying hardware of your Amazon EC2 Dedicated Host...

So instance is terminated and host is released. Thanks!

respondido hace 2 años

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