ACM OCSP Request support for SHA256



I have a working check on using OCSP request to ACM on a private cert authority using SHA1 via

When I switch to SHA256 instead of SHA1 though, I get errors from ACM. Does ACM OSCP support SHA256 or only SHA1? I can't find any supporting documentation that clarifies this.

preguntada hace 2 meses202 visualizaciones
1 Respuesta

Amazon ACM (AWS Certificate Manager) does support OCSP (Online Certificate Status Protocol) for certificate validation. Regarding the hash algorithm used, ACM supports SHA-256 for generating the digital signature in the OCSP response.

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respondido hace 2 meses
  • I have yet to see a request work with SHA256 OCSP request. Here is an openssl example: openssl ocsp -issuer truststore.pem -sha256 -cert cert.pem -text -url this fails

    openssl ocsp -issuer truststore.pem -cert cert.pem -text -url this succeeds (SHA1 default)

    So far every OCSP request made to ACM built with anything but SHA1 encoding fails. Is this a bug?

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