Domain redirection to external website provider (Squarespace) and also AWS EC2 instance based on url


We have two applications in single AWS EC2 instance. And our primary domain is lets say is pointed to this AWS EC2 instance. 1. Website with url - 2. Admin Application url -

Now we have website designed in squarespace with url - We want to go live this squarespace website. For this we need to redirect the user to this squarespace site. I mean, 1. When user tries url then it should be served from squarespace. 2. When user tries to access our admin application using url , it should go to our existing AWS EC2 instance.

Appreciate your guidance to achieve my above goal. Thanks

preguntada hace un año343 visualizaciones
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2 Options

  1. If you are using an ALB then create redirect rules that redirects anything to your website to the new website
  2. On your webserver, create a redirect which you will need to keep your EC2's up and running for some time.
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respondido hace un año
  • Okay. Thanks. Can you also help how to achieve the below use case?

    When user tries to access our admin application using url then it should be served from our existing EC2 instance where we have hosted our adminapp in IIS.

    Thanks in advance.

  • Thats fine, if using an ALB have a rule in position 1 that directs anything to /adminapp to the EC2 (Target Group) Rule 2 will redirect the domain to the external web provicer

    Are you using an ALB?

  • No. We have Route53 to manage domain.

  • You have no alb and allow direct access to the ec2? Ok then you will need to setup redirect in iis This may help

    You may wish to consider moving to an alb for the extra functionality and the ability to add waf etc

  • Okay, Thanks for your guidance.

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