AWS Toolkit switches to "Output" tab in VSCode



I installed AWS Toolkit into my VSCode because of CodeWhisperer.

But with that came bunch of features that I'm not interested in.

And then I discover that whenever I open VSCode workspace, AWS Toolkit automatically switches me from my terminal view in the bottom panel to empty "Output" tab of AWS Toolkit. And then I need to switch it back manually every time.

How do I disable this? Or can AWS Toolkit team fix this?

Enter image description here


Best, Filip AWS Serverless Hero

  • Filip, just wanted to let you know that v 1.96 of the AWS Toolkit for VS Code is now released which fixes this issue. Happy coding!

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preguntada hace 8 meses420 visualizaciones
2 Respuestas

I'm not a member of the Toolkit team but I am able to reproduce this behavior consistently and have reported it to the team via a ticket. Thanks for pointing it out!

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respondido hace 8 meses

Thank you for reporting. We've identified this as a bug which will be fixed in the next release (1.96)

respondido hace 7 meses

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