Missing output DSL files after Velocity run


When I launch a Velocity run on the CardDemo inputs, and I want to download the output DSL files, I don’t see them in the downloaded zip file.

  • Review the logs or console output from the Velocity run to see if there were any errors or warnings during the execution. Addressing any errors encountered during the run may resolve the issue with downloading the output DSL files. Clear Browser Cache: Clear your browser cache and try downloading the output DSL files again. A cached or outdated version of the download link may be causing the issue or Use a Different Browser: Try using a different web browser to download the output DSL files. Sometimes, browser-specific issues can affect the download process.

preguntada hace 3 meses97 visualizaciones
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You need to double click on the action, in order to also select all children files outputs, to be able to download everything. Without it, you only select the action and it will let you download the common output files for the run.

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