How edit default option group


I Have a question about oracle 19 option group used with RDS oracle.

I need to enable S3 integration but it does not seem I can edit the default oracle option group. Is this blocked by default and do i need to create a new option group with S3 integration option?

Would the new option group have all the options provided by the default one or not?

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Yes, as you know, option groups created by default cannot be edited.
Therefore, if you want to edit an option group, you need to create an option group that is compatible with the RDS engine yourself.

Amazon RDS provides an empty default option group for each new DB instance. You can't modify or delete this default option group, but any new option group that you create derives its settings from the default option group. To apply an option to a DB instance, you must do the following:

  1. Create a new option group, or copy or modify an existing option group.
  2. Add one or more options to the option group.
  3. Associate the option group with the DB instance. To associate an option group with a DB instance, modify the DB instance. For more information, see Modifying an Amazon RDS DB instance.

The Oracle DB option group includes Amazon S3 integration.

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respondido hace 9 meses
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revisado hace 9 meses
  • There are many default option groups you can select. For example for oracle there is Oracle EE and oracle SE, etc.

    If I create a new option group using the Console how does it know which one to use to copy the default one? Can I use AWS console to copy the default one to a new one or I need to use CLI?

  • The contents that can be set in an option group are the same as the default option group, so please create a new custom option group. For now, if you create a new option group, it will have the same settings as the default option group. It is also possible to copy option groups via the AWS CLI.

    aws rds copy-option-group --source-option-group-identifier "source_option_group_name" --target-option-group-identifier "target_option_group_name" --target-option-group-description "descrioption"
  • I did test creating a new option group. The screen asks for "Major DB Engine" and "Release". I assume what you mean is that if I select "Oracle" and "19c" the new option group will include all the options from oracle-19c-ee option group?

    I could not also see anything listed under the default option group. Do you know what options are actually installed with default? It seems when you add a new option like "APEX'" or "JVM", the RDS instance automatically install the additional software you select to the oracle instance.

  • By default, no options are set and nothing is added. So we need to create a custom option group to set the options. In the option group, you can set the following URL options.

  • Excellent Link and answer! One last thing, based on your last answer the new option group will have nothing to inherit from default option group. Correct? If I added a new option with APEX, JVM, S3_INTEGRATION does AWS immediately install/configure the new software into the RDS instance or there is a time lag and it happens in next patching or maintenance window?

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