Cloudwatch Cross-Account Ability to Create Alarms


According to this AWS announcement composite alarms are possible to be created when using the Cloudwatch cross account setting. However, looks like its greyed out in my monitoring account, and I can't create one. Is there an extra step to be added, for this to work, other than what AWS documentation is providing ? Also, in general do alarms need to exist in the source account first, or is it possible to create an alarm per metric from the monitoring account ?

preguntada hace un año383 visualizaciones
1 Respuesta

The Create composite alarm button enables when you select alarms from the All alarms list. That is because a composite alarm's purpose is to monitor and aggregate state of other alarms, so you need to first pick which alarms to aggregate.

There is no dependency on alarms in the source account. You can create alarms in the monitoring account on metrics in the source accounts at will, and then aggregate them in composite alarms in the monitoring account.

It is not possible to make a composite alarm in the monitoring account checking alarm state of alarms in source accounts.

respondido hace un año
  • The part I was looking for in your answer was this "You can create alarms in the monitoring account on metrics in the source accounts at will, and then aggregate them in composite alarms in the monitoring account". Following the AWS documentation to setup cross-account for Cloudwatch is not allowing such action. I can't create alarms and I can't create composite alarms, from the monitoring account.

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