Trigger Lambda from SQS with delay after each trigger


I have a use case to trigger a lambda function from SQS queue and get data from cloudtrail lookup events api . But the api is giving Rate exceeded error because the SQS is triggering the lambda function continously without any delay so there is no delay in subsequent api requests . How can i control the trigger of lambda function with delays so that there is a gap in subsequent api requests .

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How about setting up a delay queue on the SQS side?
By setting this, you will be able to wait up to 15 minutes before processing a message.

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revisado hace 4 meses

I have a lambda function that sends some data to sqs queue in form of messages like 10-15 messages at a time. Now what I want is when these messages arrive in queue I need a 30 sec delay after which these messages are sent to lambda function trigger . Setting delivery delay doesn't work for me because it delays all the messages for that particular time and after that it sends all at once

respondido hace 4 meses

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