I have a Free Tier EC2 instance that is getting billed. Best way to fix it?


Last month I launched a EC2 instance taking advantage of the EC2 free tier (750 hours, t2.micro). However, I still got billed. My questions: How do I make sure the instance I bought is in fact part of the 750 hours Free Tier promotion? (I can't find where that information is showed, even though I followed the link on the free tier page when I launched it. And once that is confirmed, How can I find out why am I getting billed? I mean, a month has 750 hours, there shouldn't be a bill. The billing information just shows that is in fact EC2 the one that's getting billed. It doesn't who why exactly (or if the 750 hours are being taken into consideration).

Or perhaps I discover I somehow missed the link and now I have to migrate to a free tier instance.

preguntada hace un año770 visualizaciones
3 Respuestas

The EC2 service covers a few different things, so drill into the detail in Cost Explorer as you may have created resources not covered by the free tier. There you can also confirm the Region where you're being charged.

EC2 Compute free tier inclusions are dependent on region according to the documentation; have you confirmed your Region is included?

You can track your free tier usage under "Free tier" in the Billing console - https://console.aws.amazon.com/billing/home.

respondido hace un año

I only use what is free tier applicable on EC2. And SES. I was able to figure out where the detailed billing is located. I see that the instance doesn't use the 750 hours.

Is it possible that the free tier was not applied because my AWS account is older than 12 months? I mean, I've used SES before (on and off) but never EC2. Is the free tier not EC2 related?

respondido hace un año

Free tier applies for 12 months from account activation, no longer. It's not just EC2-related - there's a bunch of different services included.

respondido hace un año

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