Can we perform VPN application testing through. Device Farm


I am attempting to evaluate a VPN application's functionality, but I'm encountering difficulties when trying to establish a connection with the VPN server. I would like to inquire whether AWS Device Farm provides support for conducting testing on VPN applications.

preguntada hace 9 meses228 visualizaciones
2 Respuestas


Here are some additional things to keep in mind when testing VPN applications through Device Farm:

Make sure that the VPN server is accessible from the devices that you are using to test your app. Test your app with different VPN configurations. For example, you can test your app with different encryption methods and different authentication methods. Test your app in different environments. For example, you can test your app in a local network and in a public network.

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respondido hace 9 meses

Hi Subhaan,

I am testing VPN applications like NodeVPN, express VPN, etc My question is that can we configure the VPN profile in device farm or not?

respondido hace 9 meses

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