Loss of Data Instance after Account Freeze


Hello, I would like to thank you for your help!

My account for verification of documents was frozen, and due to problems with the secret link to which I could not send documents quickly, my account was not working for a little less than a month.

During this time, the instance created there disappeared with all the data important to me, and there is no data in the "Elastic Block Store > Snapshots", and the "Protected resources" is also empty.

Please tell me, are there any options on how to restore the previous data that was before the account was frozen?

The account is currently active.

1 Respuesta


Basically, data that has been deleted cannot be recovered, even by AWS support.

You could try to contact AWS support by opening a case with "Account and billing" just to be sure, but they will probably say that it cannot be restored.

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respondido hace 9 meses

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