Missing Webhooks Events


Hello, We currently have an issue with the number of webhooks through SNS that were received yesterday (May 02, 2024) relating to our sent emails. Using the following data: "total_sent": 20260, "delivered": 11432, "bounced": 1102, "complaint": 19, "missing": 7748 Out of the 20260 emails sent, there is no record of any other event from SNS other than "SEND" from our log (We log all the webhooks received from SNS to Logsnag).

Part of the process we took in identifying which emails we didn't receive "OPEN", "DELIVERED", "DELAY-DELIVERY", "BOUNCE" or "COMPLAINT" was writing a query on our system to find the emails from yesterday May 02, 2024, that has no other status that "sent" (recorded from the "SENT" event), get their message id and search our logs to get the list of events (webhooks) we received but for each of them, only the "SEND" event are found.

This now brings us to the conclusion that SNS did not send any more information to us about the missing records.

2 Respuestas
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Hello @Tom,

Thank you for taking the time to respond to this issue.

The issue has been resolved and was caused by our server not being able to handle the number of requests being sent to us through SNS, we were able to identify this with the help of a representative through the support channel and looking through our log on Cloudwatch. Also, the missing in the initial question was for record purposes to identify the events which of the events from SES we couldn't account for and it was queried as "bounced is null and complained is null and delivered is null" etc using column names as available on our database table.

Thank you once again.

respondido hace 22 días


Thank you for posting on AWS re:Post forum. My name is Tom. I see that you would like to view the list of email events (other than SEND) on webhooks subscribed to SNS topics.

Based on the event types mentioned, looks like the events (such as "OPEN", "DELIVERED", "DELAY-DELIVERY", "BOUNCE" or "COMPLAINT") are reported from SES side. However, looking further on the event types that can be monitored on SES, there is no such event named "missing" [1]. Therefore, please confirm and validate on how the {"missing": 7748"} metric is generated. Furthermore, reviewing on the various ways to monitor for email activities [1], it appears using "Event Publishing" might be a more detailed option in receiving email-related activities, as compared to "Feedback Notifications". Using "Event Publishing" [2] allows to receive SNS notification on "opens", "clicks", "rejects", and "rendering failures", in addition to the "deliveries", 'bounces", and "complaints" event types.

With that said, the "Event Publishing" feature requires the SES user to configure event destination [3], and when configuring event destination, please ensure to select all interested event types (as compared to selecting "Send" event type only). If configured correctly, the received JSON object in SNS topic will have the field "eventType" describing the type of email events. [4]

I hope the above information is helpful. If further assistance is required, please feel free to open a Technical Support Case [5] to Simple Email Service for more in-depth troubleshooting. Have a nice day!

Links and References

[1] https://docs.aws.amazon.com/ses/latest/dg/monitor-sending-activity.html

[2] https://docs.aws.amazon.com/ses/latest/dg/monitor-using-event-publishing.html

[3] https://docs.aws.amazon.com/ses/latest/dg/event-destinations-manage.html#event-destination-add

[4] https://docs.aws.amazon.com/ses/latest/dg/event-publishing-retrieving-sns-contents.html#event-publishing-retrieving-sns-contents-top-level-json-object

[5] https://docs.aws.amazon.com/awssupport/latest/user/case-management.html

respondido hace 22 días

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