Videos are lagging and too slow to load


Hi all, I uploaded all my videos to S3, and I use amz s3 links on my website for audience views. Most of my audience are complaining that videos lag, and take forever to load. And even after loading they keep lagging. I advised them to clear cookies and to use a different browser, but the problem continues to exist. Not sure if you encountered the same problem, and how did you solve it! Any advice is highly appreciated. Thanks

preguntada hace un mes279 visualizaciones
3 Respuestas

Hi mgak

If your audience is experiencing lagging and slow loading times when accessing videos stored on Amazon S3, there are several potential reasons and solutions you can consider:

  • Network Latency: Slow loading times can be caused by network latency between the user's device and the S3 bucket. Consider enabling Amazon CloudFront, a content delivery network (CDN), to cache and distribute your videos globally. This can significantly reduce latency by serving content from edge locations closer to your audience.
  • **Video Encoding and Compression: **Ensure that your videos are properly encoded and compressed for web delivery. Use modern video codecs (e.g., H.264) and optimize settings for streaming playback. Amazon S3 supports streaming video formats like HLS (HTTP Live Streaming) and DASH (Dynamic Adaptive Streaming over HTTP), which can improve playback performance.
  • **File Chunking: **Break large video files into smaller chunks and implement adaptive bitrate streaming. This allows users to watch videos at different quality levels based on their internet connection speed. Services like AWS Elemental MediaConvert or open-source solutions like ffmpeg can help with this process.
respondido hace un mes

**To improve video playback performance on your website using Amazon S3, consider optimizing your video files for web streaming, enabling byte-range requests, and utilizing a Content Delivery Network (CDN) like Amazon CloudFront to cache and deliver content closer to your audience. Ensure proper bucket configuration for public access and monitor network performance using Amazon CloudWatch. Testing across different devices and networks can help identify and address any specific issues. For more detailed guidance, refer to the Amazon S3 Developer Guide and Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide." **

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Check S3 Bucket Region: Ensure that your S3 bucket is in the same AWS region as your audience. If the bucket is in a different region, it could lead to increased latency and slower data transfer speeds.

Enable Amazon S3 Transfer Acceleration: This feature helps to accelerate content transfer to S3 by using optimized network paths and edge locations. Enabling Transfer Acceleration can improve the speed of video delivery to your audience.

Optimize Video Encoding: Make sure your videos are optimized for web streaming. This includes choosing appropriate video codecs, resolutions, and bitrates for efficient delivery over the internet. High-resolution videos with high bitrates can take longer to load and buffer, especially for viewers with slower internet connections.

Use Content Delivery Network (CDN): Consider using a CDN like Amazon CloudFront to cache and deliver your videos to viewers worldwide. CloudFront can improve performance by serving content from edge locations closer to your audience, reducing latency and improving load times.

Check Network Connectivity: Verify that your audience has stable internet connections with sufficient bandwidth to stream videos without interruption. Poor network connectivity can cause buffering and playback issues.

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