AWS Amplify Observer and DataStore query responses is slow


Hello team,

I'm using aws amplify in my android application. For the first time the data store query returning the results very slow and Observer is always delay to return the data. I'm using latest version of amplify 2.14.11. Can any one give what is the problem.

Below i will give my schema

type Message @model @auth(rules: [{ allow: private }]) { id: ID! type: Int! content: String! senderId: Int! senderName: String! groupId: String! @index(name:"byGroup", sortKeyFields: ["sentAt"]) groupName: String! status: MessageStatus! role: String tag: String comment: String sentAt: AWSDateTime! orgId: Int! @index(name:"byOrgId") recipients: [MessageRecipient] @hasMany(indexName: "byMessage", fields: ["id"]) permittedTo: [String!] }

type MessageRecipient @model @auth(rules: [{ allow: private }]) { id: ID! messageId: ID! @index(name:"byMessage") groupId: String! @index(name: "byGroup") userId: Int! @index(name:"byUser") status: MessageStatus! sentAt: AWSDateTime! readAt: AWSDateTime permittedTo: [String!] }

MessageRecipient for Observer and Message model for DataStore query

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