EC2 charged much higher than when active


I deleted or deactivated all resources on April 28. I found some amount of cost - 3~4 times higher than when active - charged. I checked again and I have no instances in any region and run AWSSupport-ListEC2Resources only to get 'no resources found'. I found out that one elastic ip is alive and guess that's why I am billed. What I really don't get is that ec2 cost is skyrocketing when I used EC2 instances. Why is it charged much higher than with instances? I'm still in free tier. How can i terminate it clearly and close my account? Enter image description here

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Elastic IP will incur a fee if it is not attached to EC2, as described in the following document.

Elastic IP rates are listed below.
0.005 dollars per hour is being generated.

As per the following document, you can eliminate the charge by checking for active services and removing them if necessary.

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Agree with Riku Kobayashi. EIP incurs charge when it's not attached to any instance. If you are ready to close the account, consider using [] to restore the account to essentially a "Day 1" state.

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