Unknown Options S3


I am trying to complete the AWS Cloud Resume Challenge. I'm trying to upload to s3 using Github Actions, however even though I have the necessary secrets in my Github Actions and the seemingly the correct IAM permissions, I am consistently getting "Unknown options: s3://***/" (specifically) in line 12. If you have any idea what may be the problem, I would greatly appreciate it!

GitHub Cloud Resume Challenge

This is the error I keep getting GitHub Cloud Resume Challenge

1 réponse

I think s3://***/ is just a reference to your bucket name which it is redacting since you pass it in from a secret. I would check the permission to access your bucket using the specific API Key/Secret to ensure they work and have necessary permissions outside of the GitHub action.

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  • Thank you so much! As you can see, I'm new to AWS and tech overall. How would I go about the second part?

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