Lex Slot Regex Help


Trying to build a lex (Amazon LexV2) bot to look for account IDs that match our company's format. but having issues with the Slot.

I'm using an extended alphanumeric slot type (Slots>Built-In>Amazon.alphanumeric) so I can use regex to match the pattern for the account IDs. Every time I try to test it though, it doesn't work. All my other slots work, just not this one. Is there a trick or something to get extended alphanumeric slots to work?

Example for the Regex I'm using - CP[0-9]{9} (so like CP123456789)

Any suggestions?

2 réponses
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I got clarification from someone at Amazon. The regex pattern needed to be: [cC][pP][0-9]{9}

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répondu il y a 6 mois

When you save the slot with the regex, is it saving or do you get an error on saving? Are you using multiple slots of alphanumeric type at the same time?


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répondu il y a 6 mois

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