Connection Resets when connecting to internal registry from EKS


Hi All,

We are currently facing an issue in our EKS cluster. When using DIND inside a gitlab runner pod we are getting connection reset when pushing to an instance of artifactory running on prem. The weird thing is that when images are small, we are able to push successfully but the moment they are big we get issues. We have checked our firewalls, our nginx configs on the internal registry and we have also checked for connection time out settings both on AWS and on prem to no luck. Can someone who has faced a similar issue please assist with how we can resolve or further investigate the issue. Thanks in advance.

  • could you check your EKS cluster nodes, especially those hosting the GitLab runner pods, are not experiencing resource constraints such as high CPU or memory usage. Insufficient resources can cause network issues, especially when handling large image transfers.

1 réponse

Increase timeout settings across your GitLab runner, Docker daemon, and any network devices involved in the transmission path. Also, ensure your NAT tables and connection tracking settings are optimized for high volumes of network traffic​

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