Build an IOS Application Tutorial - Initialise Amplify at Runtime



I am trying to follow this tutorial and am stuck at the process of Module 2, Step 4 Initialize Amplify at Runtime.

Ive moved awsconfiguration.json & amplify configuration.json file tot he project directory root in Xcode. Also added a new Backend.swift file & copied its contents.

Next step is to open the AppDelegate.swift but problem is I don't seem to have one. I went ahead and created one & copied the contents in the tutorial.

I ma now getting error message Cannot find type 'UIApplication' in scope.

I tried looking for the completed code and found the GitHub but couldn't find the Xcode example or some video demonstrations

Is anyone away of video demonstration or completed Xcode Version that I could then compare?

Thanks in advance


demandé il y a 2 ans532 vues
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répondu il y a 2 ans
  • Thanks but I need IOS environment


Hi, Todd. The workshop is updated last year. Could you check it one more time?

répondu il y a 10 mois

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