Using Splice Insert from Media Live Schedule option overrides the actual content (Loss of content)


We are using Splice Insert Schedule option in Media Live to generate the scte35 messages,but when this scte35 messages comes in the manifest file,Ads playback happen.After the Ad playback gets completed,I missed some part of content.

is there a way to make sure actual content does not get over-ride and it resumes back,once the ads are over.

This results in the loss of that acutal content during ad playback.Facing this issue on Media Live.

demandé il y a 9 mois377 vues
3 réponses

Hi Dhaval,

I think there may be some confusion around the capability to insert ad markers via the MediaLive schedule. While it's possible to add a "splice insert" type of ad marker to a running channel via the schedule as you describe, the action does not pause the ingress stream, rather it provides the appropriate SCTE-35 markers in any transport stream outputs and the appropriate HLS manifest decorations (e.g. CUE-OUT and CUE-IN). So, if there is not an underlying commercial break of the same duration as your splice insert action, and your downstream ad insertion fills the entire break, then yes any content that was running during the break will be missed.

Regards, Steve

répondu il y a 9 mois

Oh thanks for this answer. But this will happen even if we select Time Signal (Splice) in Media Live schedule ? Also is there any supporting doc for this to how to set Time Signal Splice ? what values must be put there ?

Actual content will get skipped if Ads played n between ?

répondu il y a 9 mois

As a live encoder, MediaLive does not expect to be able to "pause" the source content. Changing between SCTE-35 marker types will not have an impact on this behavior. You would need a playout server upstream of MediaLive that created the needed gaps in content to fit the commercial breaks.

If your workflow uses file playback primarily, another possible approach might be to use MediaConvert to create an ABR asset, and then MediaTailor Channel Assembly to create a playback schedule including the desired ad break and content. See for details on how you might create such a workflow.

Regards, Steve

répondu il y a 9 mois

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