My AWS S3 bucket data not available suddenly without deleting.


My AWS S3 bucket data not available suddenly without deleting. How to recover it or get back all data?

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2 réponses

Your data could not be lost due to hardware failure because data S3 redundantly store objects on multiple devices across a minimum of three Availability Zones in an AWS Region

You can check Cloudtrail for the event of Deleting objects from S3

to protect you object from unintentional deleting you can use S3 versioning

or use MFA to avoid intentional object removal

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  • how to get it back?

  • CloudTrail is the best option to know what happened, but data events logging must have been previously configured.



As you have tagged your question with S3 Glacier, most likely, you are referring to the fact that you cannot retrieve your data immediately. To retrieve data from an Archive Storage class, you need to request the data first.

Also, maybe you have enabled lifecycle configuration, which may have deleted the data. In that case, you cannot get the data back if you have not enabled versioning.

If you have chosen the RRS storage class, which offers very low durability, data might get lost due to hardware failure.

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