impossible to link Cloudfront distribution to live mediapackage


Hi, i'm doing a poc with mediaconnect+medialive+mediapackage, i can generate HLS endpoint with mediapackage including SCTE but i would like to use cloudfront as endpoint but i didn't succeed. i've created CF distribution with as origin my mediapackage, but i cannot attach CDN and have endpoint cloudfront URL. any idea? br, Nicolas

1 réponse

If your MediaPackage channel already exists, the desired endpoint will need to be added to the CloudFront distribution as an origin. Also define behaviors for specific file types (ex. *.m3u8, *.ts) If your MediaPackage endpoint is https://<mediapackage_channel_uid><mediapackage_endpoint_uid>/index.m3u8 then the CloudFront path will be https://<cloudfront_distribution_uid><mediapackage_endpoint_uid>/index.m3u8

Also, you may want to look at the Workflow Wizard in AWS MediaLive console. This will allow you to create a streaming channel with MediaConnect, MediaLive, MediaPackage and CloudFront. You will need to select a CloudFront endpoint when configuring the MediaPackage.

Note that Workflow Wizard will add several endpoints in MediaPackage for HLS, DASH and CMAF. All of those may not be needed in your application. The output from Workflow Wizard may be useful as a reference if you want to edit your existing streaming channel.

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