How to tag EC2 Reserved Instances


How can I tag EC2 Reserved Instances for cost tracking and cost monitoring?

2 réponses


Please look at solution it will be helpful for you,

You need to first activate the tags in the Billing and Cost Management console. Go to AWS Cost Explorer > Billing Console > Cost allocation tags. Select the tags you want to activate for bill tracking (I am assuming you have given the EC2 instances you want to track a specific tag beforehand). Please be patient as it can sometimes take until the next day for the tags to show in the AWS Cost Explorer console.

please look at link if you get more information

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I think this is exactly what you want to do:

A quick post pointing out that EC2 reserved instances actually support tagging. This functionality 
is only available on the command line of via the API and not via the console but it still allows you 
to tag your reservations making it easier to keep track of why a reserved instance was purchased 
and what component it was intended for



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