Increase Service Quota for RDS Oracle


I want to increase the RDS Oracle instance limit (currently 10) . But there is only a option to increase the total number of RDS instance limit (currently 40). Is there a way to specifically increase the Oracle instance limit.

3 réponses

Your best bet is to open a ticket with AWS Support.

profile pictureAWS
répondu il y a 2 ans

The service quota for RDS applies to all database engines supported under RDS. Please request service quota increase via the console.

répondu il y a 2 ans

Not that I am aware of, as the instance limit is for RDS, not Oracle specifically. The service quota page to request a database instance count increase from the default of 40 can be found here, for the us-east-1 region (replace us-east-1 with the regions where your database instances are located):

Scroll down to DB instances on the first page, click on it, and you can increase the instance count from the next page.

Jon R
répondu il y a 2 ans

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