Chat messages save into Salesforce


Hello everyone,

I'm currently exploring the integration between Amazon Connect and Salesforce, particularly focusing on automating the creation of new cases in Salesforce for incoming chats. I've successfully installed the Amazon Connect app into Salesforce and have established connectivity, enabling chat and call functionalities.

However, I'm facing a challenge in automatically creating a new case in Salesforce for each incoming chat and saving the chat transcript into the case description field. I attempted to utilize the 'AC CTI Adapters' feature, but unfortunately, it didn't fulfill my requirements.

I would greatly appreciate any insights, tips, or solutions from the community members who have experience with similar integrations or have successfully implemented this functionality. Your assistance will be immensely valuable in overcoming this hurdle and achieving the desired integration between Amazon Connect and Salesforce.

1 réponse

1)Set up Amazon Connect Integration with Salesforce: Ensure that you have the Amazon Connect CTI Adapter installed and configured in your Salesforce org. Verify that your Amazon Connect instance is integrated with Salesforce, allowing it to send events to Salesforce when interactions occur.

  1. Configure Event Triggers in Salesforce: Salesforce provides a feature called Platform Events that allows you to trigger actions in response to events, such as incoming chats from Amazon Connect. Set up a Platform Event in Salesforce to trigger when a new chat interaction occurs in Amazon Connect.

  2. Develop a Salesforce Apex Trigger: Write an Apex trigger in Salesforce that listens for the Platform Event triggered by incoming chats. Upon receiving the Platform Event, the trigger should create a new Case record in Salesforce with relevant information such as the chat details.

4)Retrieve Chat Transcript from Amazon Connect:
    In your Apex trigger, utilize the Amazon Connect API or AWS SDK to retrieve the chat transcript from Amazon Connect.
    Ensure that appropriate permissions and configurations are in place to access chat transcripts securely.

5)Update Case Description Field:
    Once you have the chat transcript, update the description field of the newly created Case record in Salesforce with the chat transcript content.

6)Testing and Validation:
    Thoroughly test the integration to ensure that new cases are created accurately for incoming chats and that the chat transcript is properly saved in the case description field.
    Validate the integration across different scenarios and edge cases to ensure robustness and reliability.

7) Monitoring and Maintenance: Set up monitoring and logging mechanisms to track the integration's performance and detect any issues or failures. Regularly review and maintain the integration to accommodate any changes or updates in the Amazon Connect or Salesforce environments.

By following these steps and leveraging Salesforce's customization capabilities along with Amazon Connect's APIs, you should be able to automate the creation of cases in Salesforce for incoming chats and save the chat transcript into the case description field effectively. Additionally, consider consulting Salesforce documentation and community resources for more detailed guidance on developing Apex triggers and handling Platform Events.

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