Route Table - Both Propagation and Static Routes?


Can you use a route table with both propagation and static routes?

2 réponses

Yes, it is possible, Static routes will be preferred over propagated routes, see the TGW Route evaluation order:

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Route priority and propagated routes

If you've attached a virtual private gateway to your VPC and enabled route propagation on your subnet route table, routes representing your Site-to-Site VPN connection automatically appear as propagated routes in your route table.

If the destination of a propagated route overlaps a static route, the static route takes priority.

If the destination of a propagated route is identical to the destination of a static route, the static route takes priority if the target is one of the following:

internet gateway

NAT gateway

Network interface

Instance ID

Gateway VPC endpoint

Transit gateway

VPC peering connection

Gateway Load Balancer endpoint


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