What is the maintenance window for Amazon RDS, Aurora, and Amazon Redshift?

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I want to know more about the maintenance window for Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS), Amazon Aurora, and Amazon Redshift.


The maintenance window for Amazon RDS, Aurora, and Amazon Redshift occurs weekly. During this time, RDS DB instances can receive upgrades to the operating system (OS) or to the DB engine. To confirm that all instances have the latest patches and upgrades, AWS requires at least a 30-minute window in your instance's weekly schedule. During the maintenance window, Amazon RDS performs tasks on clusters and instances. For the security and stability of your data, maintenance can cause instances to be unavailable.

The maintenance window defines when the deployment or operation begins, but the maintenance can take longer to complete. As a result, the time that's used for some operations can exceed the duration of the maintenance window.

Amazon RDS

Amazon RDS maintenance can affect all instances or specific instances. To minimize the effect of Amazon RDS maintenance on your workload, see How do I minimize downtime during required Amazon RDS maintenance?

Amazon Aurora

For all versions after Amazon Aurora 1.8, Amazon RDS performs cluster-wide DB updates, and deploys maintenance during the cluster's maintenance window. Depending on the type of update, Amazon RDS performs DB engine updates to Aurora clusters across all instances or one by one. For more information, see Maintaining an Amazon Aurora DB cluster.

Amazon Redshift

Amazon Redshift maintenance affects all instances that require OS updates or engine-specific updates. To minimize the effect of Amazon Redshift maintenance on your workload, schedule around maintenance windows.

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