IVS echoing bug


My mobile app uses IVS to livestream. But when mobile viewers watch the livestream, there is a lot of echoing for the viewer. See this example: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1IhvKhkP0KOQaBxcxnYUwtMsCfvgCBGKc/view?usp=drive_link

For context, when watching the stream from within AWS IVS web console, there is no echo.

How do I get rid of this bug?

posta 3 mesi fa160 visualizzazioni
1 Risposta

What players are you using for the mobile app? Have you included the Amazon IVS Player SDKs in the app?

https://docs.aws.amazon.com/ivs/latest/LowLatencyUserGuide/player.html https://docs.aws.amazon.com/ivs/#amazon-ivs-player-sdk

You may also want to review https://ivs.rocks/ for details and demos.

con risposta 3 mesi fa
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