how to find root cause of unauthorized API call is made?


Hello guy need help

i am getting unauthorized API call is made alarm. i dont know what is the root cause.

how to find this in cloudtrail?

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Using the AWS Console

  1. Open your Amazon CloudWatch console and specify a region.
  2. On the left hand menu, select Insights under Logs.
  3. Select your CloudTrail Logs group from the dropdown near the top.
  4. On the right, choose a relative time frame to search.
  5. Enter the following command into the query input, and click Run query:
filter errorCode like /Unauthorized|Denied|Forbidden/ | fields awsRegion,
userIdentity.arn, eventSource, eventName, sourceIPAddress, userAgent

You could do the same with Athena from your S3 bucket trail

Information source

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