Move SharePoint and OneDrive data to AWS


I am currently developing a strategy to transfer data from SharePoint and OneDrive to AWS, accommodating approximately 150 users.

The outlined requirements are as follows:


The "personal OneDrive" source contains a pre-existing folder structure, necessitating preservation in the destination (totaling 400 GB of data). The current sharing configuration with other corporate users must remain unchanged. Specific objectives include: Implementing folder caching on users' systems for offline access. Ensuring the security and privacy of the data. Optimizing performance and ensuring ease of access. Adhering to compliance standards. Enabling versioning for documents.


A team storage solution is required to facilitate access for all users, involving a substantial 8 TB of data. I am currently evaluating two potential solutions:

1) FSx for Windows:

As they want to keep current sharing structure as-is.

2) Workdocs:

I am not sure how can I keep sharing structure as-is.

Any inputs on these two options?

1 Risposta
Risposta accettata

For a similar user experience, Workdocs is likely a good fit, but would require each user essentially to copy their files from OneDrive to Workdocs, as it's a client based application. it offers the same flexibility of off network access for end users as OneDrive, so if that's important than it'd be best to use Workdocs.

If the users or only accessing files form within a corporate network or on VPN than FSx Windows would be a good fit. If you want the users to have access to their files from anywhere on the internet FSx Windows wouldn't be a great fit unless you wanted to use it as a backing storage to some other client based solution like hosting your own implementation of something like Owncloud.

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con risposta 7 mesi fa

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