RDS - Cannot modify instance after storage-full state


Hi! Does anyone know how to modify a RDS SQL Server DB instance after it has reached a "storeage-full state". I am trying to increase the DB storage size, but I get the following error:

"We're sorry, your request to modify DB instance db-live-rds has failed. The specified database instance is currently in storage-full state. Please allocate more storage by modifying the DB instance."

I am also not able to restart (the reboot options are not available). I get the same error through the CLI tools as well.

posta 5 mesi fa427 visualizzazioni
1 Risposta


When you hit the "storage-full-state" state, there are certain limitations on some DB instances. Please look at the re:Post article for a discussion on this topic: https://repost.aws/knowledge-center/rds-out-of-storage.

Hope the above article helps.

Regards, Govardhanan.

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con risposta 5 mesi fa

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