AWS Ec2 or Data Store location


Hello Aspirants,

We have Face multiple Audit Such as ISO:27001, GDPR .... But every time there is a question from auditor how do you verify the instance in Asia Pacific (Mumbai)ap-south-1 is truly located and store Data in Mumbai Asia reagion****** (We belieave in AWS integraty with customer but Still this question always answer without Proof)******

Reason To Ask question is. Certain Company have to Follow RBI Guidlines for Data storage in India.

Thanks & Regard's Asif Shaikh

posta 7 mesi fa272 visualizzazioni
1 Risposta

This falls under digital sovereignty, and there should be resources in this section that can help you

If you are part of a large organisation with a paid-for support plan it would be advisable to raise a support call to get the exact status in writing from AWS (re:Post is community-based and responses cannot be assume to be from AWS employees, nor to be the official position of AWS).

If you have Enterprise support then engage your Technical Account Manager.

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con risposta 7 mesi fa
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